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Thomson and contributing to various UK indie titles. Morrison spent much of the early 1980s touring and recording with their band The Mixers, occasionally writing Starblazer for D. This included a weekly comic strip, Captain Clyde, an unemployed superhero based in Glasgow, for The Govan Press, a local newspaper, plus various issues of DC Thomson's Starblazer, a science fiction version of that company's Commando title. Their work appeared in four of the five issues of Near Myths and they were suitably encouraged to find more comic work. Their first published works were Gideon Stargrave strips for Near Myths in 1978 (when they were about 17), one of the first British alternative comics.

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They were educated at Allan Glen's School where their first portfolio of art was rejected by their careers guidance teacher, who encouraged them to work in a bank.

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Grant Morrison was born in Glasgow, Scotland in 1960.

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